Celebrating Madonna

Happy Women's History Month!

Caveat: YES this is MY VOCAL* YES I know this post is long, but stay with me cuz this is to CELEBRATE Madonna Okurrrr! Dictators attack art and culture. Art and culture is the very core of a society. Queen Madonna NEVER BACKS DOWN. So, I’ve been sitting on this lil vid for quite a while, I sang + shot this for an opportunity when I was still struggling with postpartum body issues- btw that fake shit they sell on magazine covers about “the instant bounce back!” Lemme tell ya it’s a lie! While we are on the subject, M is beautiful! She’s worked her ass off for 40 yrs in the game! (but still has an amazing one!) She’s always standing up against racism, ageism, bigotry and has done so much good for the world esp. 4 the LGBTQ+ community- the 1st community to embrace me and invite me into their clubs to perform. I’m proud of my performance- Get up on your feet! Strike a pose there’s nothing to it! EXPRESS YOURSELF! We can chew gum and walk at the same time! We are WOMEN! We are POWERFUL. I’m v thankful that M got me back into my groove! I distinctly remember the first time I heard her music; I was immediately obsessed with her tone. Her voice, the places she would choose to use vibrato or be in your face and percussive with her delivery, like no other vocalist- it absolutely fascinated me. Growing up in an often turbulent house, dancing to Madonna as a kid was a kinesthetic experience, the most beautiful escape. I’d lock my door, study her music videos, listened to what she would say in interviews and was so inspired by her bravery and fearlessness, how she could be so articulate and confident ready for any question to be thrown at her, and also show some vulnerability for a flash of a second- enough time for a wounded bird like me to see that I wasn’t alone, and if she could do it, I could too. Thank you, MADGE for showing me that a feminist can still own their own sexuality, that we can evolve as artists and it’s growth, not a “comeback”. You are one of the most important women in history. Period.